I simply just love the styling! as usual Anna Trevelyan did a superb job, with Brandon Maxwell. I love this cause I feel like she isn't trying too hard to impress us..
Kanye West's video for Monster is out!! By the looks of it its been out for ages, and I never heard anything about this!! Gosh it made my day, especially since I've been moping around gutted that I'm missing a Tim Westwood set tonight, SMH; exams suck!!
Also check out some material from Dirty Paraffin on okmalume.blogspot; they are amazing!!
I'm super obsessed with WAH nails and I literally stalk their site : WAH NAILS to see the latest designs. They have the coolest nails EVER!! and their blog is visually interesting to look at. I LOVE all their designs..amazing! (click on "WAH NAILS" to see their site!)